8 November 2024

For the expected solar storm of last 3rd August, I’ve planned a continuous 72 hours transmission of my MF station as QRSS10 beacon since 1st of August afternoon.
I’ve monitored my signal on the MF grabber of Stefan DL7FC, comparing it with IQ2MI signal, downloading for the 72 hours a picture any 10 minutes.
Nothing strange appeared over the pictures, signal was about the same for all days like before.
Only to note that IQ2MI signal appear over the grabbers at about 1800 UTC (sun set at my QTH) while mine about 40 minutes later. The same in the morning, my signal disappear 40 minutes before IQ2MI signal.

Here another picture with IK1HGI signal, too:

WhatsApp Image 2016-08-03 at 23.27.25

Even though I’m 500 Km farther from Stefan my signal seems quite solid.